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Kugadzira iyo Cyber Security Chiitiko Chekupindura Chikwata

Gadzira yako Yechikwata Chehondo

Iyi kosi yakagadzirirwa mamaneja uye vatungamiriri ve projekiti avo vakapiwa basa rekugadzira yako Cyber ​​Battle Chikwata, icho mune zvehunyanzvi mazwi iComputer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Iyi kosi inopa yepamusoro-danho kutarisisa yezvakakosha nyaya uye sarudzo dzinofanirwa kugadziriswa mukumisikidza yeCyber ​​Hondo Chikwata. Sechikamu cheiyo kosi, yako tsvimbo ichagadzira chirongwa chekuita icho chinogona kushandiswa senzvimbo yekutanga pakuronga nekushandisa yako Cyber ​​Hondo Chikwata. Ivo vanozoziva kuti ndeapi marudzi ezve zviwanikwa nezvivakwa zvinodiwa kutsigira timu. Pamusoro pezvo, vanopinda vanozoona marongero nemaitiro anofanirwa kumisikidzwa nekuitwa pavanogadzira CSIRT.

ONA: Iyi kosi inowedzera mapoinzi akananga kuMasters muCyber ​​Security kubva kuSoftware Injiniya Institute


The Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a key component of an organization's security posture. By definition, a CSIRT is a team of individuals who are responsible for responding to computer security incidents. While the term "computer security incident" can be used to describe any type of event that poses a threat to computer systems or data, in practice, most CSIRTs focus on responding to cyber incidents – that is, events that involve some form of malicious activity carried out using digital means.

A CSIRT assesses threat vulnerabilities and the potential for cyber-attacks.  They also assess the damage caused by an attack and are quickly deployed with pre-planned strategies to mitigate the attack and have the organisation up and running again as quickly as possible.  Their goal is to prevent further attacks from occurring. 


Why should I establish a Cyber Security Incident Response Team BEFORE a cyber attack occurs?

Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is an important step in preparing for a cyber-attack. A CSIRT is a group of people who are trained and prepared to respond to a security incident. The team can provide support during and after an attack, including helping to contain the damage, restore systems, and investigate the incident. Having a CSIRT in place before an attack occurs can help to minimize the impact of the attack and ensure that operations can resume quickly. Furthermore, a CSIRT can help to build trust with customers and other stakeholders by demonstrating that the organization takes security seriously. As such, creating a CSIRT is an important part of preparing for a cyber-attack.

Ndiani anofanira kuita kosi iyi?

  • Parizvino uye vanotarisira mamaneja eCSIRT; C-level mamaneja akadai seCIOs, CSOs, CROs; uye vatungamiriri vezvirongwa vanofarira kutanga kana kutanga Cyber Hondo Chikwata.

  • Vamwe vashandi vanofambidzana neCSIRTs uye vangade kuwana nzwisiso yakadzama pamusoro pekuti CSIRTs inoshanda sei. Semuenzaniso, nhengo dzeCSIRT; yepamusoro-chikamu manejimendi; hukama hwezvenhau, kuraira kwepamutemo, kutevedzwa kwemutemo, zviwanikwa zvevanhu, odhita, kana vatariri vengozi.


  • Chiitiko manejimendi uye hukama kune CSIRTs

  • Zvinotarisirwa pakuronga CSIRT

  • Kugadzira chiratidzo cheCSIRT

  • CSIRT basa, zvinangwa, uye danho remasimba

  • CSIRT nyaya dzesangano uye mamodheru

  • Range uye nhanho dzeanopihwa masevhisi

  • Nyaya dzemari

  • Kuhaya uye kudzidzisa vekutanga CSIRT vashandi

  • Kuita ma CSIRT marongero nemaitiro

  • Zvinodiwa kune CSIRT zvigadzirwa

  • Implementation uye mashandiro nyaya uye mazano

  • Kubatana pamwe nekutaurirana nyaya

Chii icho tsvimbo yako ichadzidza?

Vashandi vako vachadzidza ku:

  • Nzwisisa zvinodikanwa zvekumisikidza inoshanda yeCyber Battle Team (CSIRT)

  • Zvirongwa kuronga kuronga nekumisikidza kweCyber Hondo Chikwata.

  • Simbisa nyaya dzine chekuita nekuunganidza rinoteerera, rinoshanda timu revashandi vekuchengetedza macomputer

  • Ziva matongero nemaitiro anofanirwa kumisikidzwa nekuitwa.

  • Nzwisisa mhando dzakasiyana dzesangano reCyber Hondo Chikwata

  • Nzwisisa dzakasiyana uye nhanho yemasevhisi anogona kupihwa neCyber Battle Chikwata

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